Please note that this is a public debating forum, not a forum to solve individual problems.

Only questions about the Federation and the German Shepherd Dog in general will be answered here.

Queries about specific dogs and puppies must please be referred to a Federation club or a breeder.

If you have a personal problem that the office staff are not attending to to your satisfaction, please e-mail the National Administrator directly.

Book LinkThe same question is often asked over and over again, or the answer may interest many others.

Often I do not know the answer, and others can help.

It is hoped that this site will contribute to transparency in the Federation, stimulate healthy debate and provide an insight into how our members and the public think.

Whoever you are, a member or simply a member of the public, foreign or South African, you are welcome to participate.

If you think you have the answer, or perhaps an alternative view point, feel free to contribute.

Frikkie van Kraayenburg
President: German Shepherd Dog Federation of South Africa

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